References by Author or Types
Journal Articles by Y. Rak
Y. Rak
W. H. Kimbel
J. Moggi-Cecchi
C. A. Lockwood
, and
C. Menter
The DNH 7 skull of Australopithecus robustus from Drimolen (Main Quarry), South Africa
J. Hum. Evol., 151, 102913, 2021
The DNH 7 skull of Australopithecus robustus from Drimolen (Main Quarry), South Africa
J. Hum. Evol., 151, 102913, 2021
W. H. Kimbel
G. Suwa
B. Asfaw
Y. Rak
, and
T. D. White
Ardipithecus ramidus and the evolution of the human cranial base
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 111(3), 948-953, 2014
Ardipithecus ramidus and the evolution of the human cranial base
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 111(3), 948-953, 2014
D. Lordkipanidze
M. S. P. de Le\'on
A. Margvelashvili
Y. Rak
G. P. Rightmire
A. Vekua
, and
C. P. E. Zollikofer
A complete skull from Dmanisi, Georgia, and the evolutionary biology of early Homo
Science, 342(6156), 326-331, 2013
A complete skull from Dmanisi, Georgia, and the evolutionary biology of early Homo
Science, 342(6156), 326-331, 2013
W. H. Kimbel
D. C. Johanson
, and
Y. Rak
Systematic assessment of a maxilla of Homo from Hadar, Ethiopia
Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., 103(2), 235-262, 1997
Systematic assessment of a maxilla of Homo from Hadar, Ethiopia
Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., 103(2), 235-262, 1997
Y. Rak
F. C. Howell
Cranium of a juvenileAustralopithecus boisei from the lower Omo Basin, Ethiopia
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 48(3), 345-365, 1978
Cranium of a juvenileAustralopithecus boisei from the lower Omo Basin, Ethiopia
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 48(3), 345-365, 1978