References by Author or Types
Journal Articles by M. S. Yuan
D. C. Broadfield
R. L. Holloway
K. Mowbray
A. Silvers
M. S. Yuan
, and
S. M\'arquez
Endocast of Sambungmacan 3 (Sm 3): a new Homo erectus from Indonesia
Anat. Rec., 262(4), 369-379, 2001
Endocast of Sambungmacan 3 (Sm 3): a new Homo erectus from Indonesia
Anat. Rec., 262(4), 369-379, 2001
D. C. Broadfield
R. L. Holloway
K. Mowbray
A. Silvers
M. S. Yuan
, and
S. M\'arquez
Endocast of Sambungmacan 3 (Sm 3): a new Homo erectus from Indonesia
Anat. Rec., 262(4), 369-379, 2001
Endocast of Sambungmacan 3 (Sm 3): a new Homo erectus from Indonesia
Anat. Rec., 262(4), 369-379, 2001