Homo (erectus seu sapiens) palaeohungaricus Thoma, 1972
Year: 1972
Taxonomic Rank: Subspecies
Syntype: Vertesszöllös Homo II
Status: Potentially valid

Thoma (1966) provides a description of the occiput recovered from the site of Vertesszöllös, Hungaria. A footnote on page 531 provisionally establishes the taxon Homo (erectus seu sapiens) palaeohungaricus. In the view of Thoma, the Verteszöllös occiipital fragment is distinct from Homo habilis and potentially related to Mauer and Ternifine (Tighennif) despite a lack of comparable anatomical material. The author writes, "Nous donnons à l'Homme de Vértesszöllös le 'nom de trouvaille' d' 'Euranthrope' et la dénomination systématique d'Homo (erectus seu sapiens) palaeohungaricus n. ssp. Ce taxon provisoire est nettement séparé de l'H. habilis (Tobias, 1964) mais en même temps ouvert vers les Hommes de Mauer et de Ternifine, vu l'ignorance où nous sommes de sa mandibule."  Thoma (1966) does not explicitly fix Verteszöllös I or II as a type and the provisional nature of the assignment in Thoma (1966) may warrant it as conditionally proposed and unavailable under the Code.

An unambiguous declaration is given in Thoma (1972, JHE) where Verteszöllös II is fixed as the holotype and the taxonomic proposal is made unconditionally.

Groves (1989 p. 205) lists Homo erectus (seu sapiens) palaeohungaricus Thoma, 1965 with no remarks that would indicate it is unavailable or conditionally proposed. On page 285 he ascribes the taxon to Thoma (1966) in L'Anthropologie (Paris), 530. This article was published in 1966 and the name appears on page 531 not 530.


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