Archanthropus primigenius Abel, 1920
Year: 1920
Taxonomic Rank: Species
Holotype: La Chapelle-aux-Saints
Status: Invalid
Remark: Objective synonym

Abel (1920) established Archanthropus primigenius with La Chapelle-Aux-Saints as the holotype. The genus is a junior homonym to Archanthropus Arldt, 1915. The specific epithet primigenius is a secondary junior homonym to Homo javanensis primigenius Houzé, 1896 if La Chapelle and Trinil 2 are both placed in the genus Homo as is common. It is also an objective junior synonym to Homo chapellensis Buttel-Reepen, 1911, as both share the same holotype. Thus the name 'primigenius' is available but invalid.

Additional References
E. Houzé
Le Pithecanthropus Erectus
Revue de l'Université de Bruxelles, 1, 410-438, 1896
T. Arldt
Die Stammesgeschichte der Primaten und die Entwicklung der Menschenrassen
Fortschr. Rassenk, 1, 1-52, 1915